How can you optimize the production of your starter cultures with better nutrients ?
Media and substrate composition directly impact both cell metabolism and cell viability and, therefore, the overall efficiency of the fermentation. Media formulation is strain- and process-dependent, so the choice of the right nutrients is both complex and essential. Furthermore, plant-based cultures come with their own new challenges. At Lallemand, we have over a century of experience and knowledge producing bacteria and yeasts - our solutions are borne of that experience, and address the main challenges in the production of microbial starter cultures.
" If you rely on fermentation, you can rely on us "
Specialty fermentation nutrients in starter culture production
We offer a range of specialty nutrients under the Lalmedia ™ brand. Each product has been developed under strict project management guidelines and addresses specific functional requirements. These products are a natural source of essential nutrients such as organic nitrogen, as well as nucleotides, DNA and RNA precursors, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals your cultures need to grow and thrive.
Our products are derived from primary-grown yeast, so are non-GMO, animal free, and vegan, making them suitable for all microbial culture applications, including plant-based ones. They perform well in the production of broad range of microorgamisms, including Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Steptococcus thermophilus (eg in yogurt production), Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria (for other dairy products), Lactobacillus plantarum (meat and fermented vegetables), Lactococcus spp and Propionibacteria sp. (cheese and dairy products), Lactobacillus buchneri (baking).
Lalmedia™ brand products are available in spray-dried powder; Kosher and Halal certified.
The Lalmedia™ products fall under three functional categories:

Specialty nutrients for optimal microbial yield.

Specialty nutrients to support better microbial physiology and metabolism.

Specialty nutrients for the protection of micro-organisms against the diverse stresses they encounter during fermentation and downstream processing (DSP).